If you liked what you heard and wish to support our artistic offering, Fabler Files and Tobia Rossi are happy to direct you to the COMUNITA’ Di SANT’EGIDIO, a Christian charitable community born in 1968 which is now a network that spans 70 countries. The Community promotes a fairer world through charitable programs for homeless people, underprivileged communities, the elderly, as well as ongoing programs in the face of emergencies like COVID-19.
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About the author
Tobia Rossi
Tobia Rossi is a playwright and dramaturg. He has collaborated with major theaters in Milan, including Teatro Libero, Elfo Puccini, Teatro Litta, Teatro di Ringhiera, Teatro OutOff and Campo Teatrale. His award-winning plays include Las Vegas (2012, ‘Network Drammaturgia Nuova’), Portami in un posto carino (2012, finalist at the Hystrio Award ‘Scritture per la scena_35’), La cosa brutta (2016, special mention at the Hystrio Award ‘Scritture per la scena_35’), Freddy Aggiustatutto (2018, ‘Una Commedia in cerca d’autore’ award winner), Nascondino (2019, Mario Fratti award-winner).
Fabler Files: Togetherness
A collection of original short-form audio plays. A series of four pieces commissioned by Fabler, written by Italian and American playwrights and published as a bilingual Italian-English collection.
Discover the full collection