If you liked what you heard and wish to support our artistic offering, Fabler Files, Chiara Boscaro and Marco Di Stefano are happy to direct you to EMERGENCY, an independent and neutral international organization founded in Milan in 1994 to provide free medical care to victims of war and poverty. Since its inception, EMERGENCY has developed humanitarian projects in 18 countries. During the Covid-19 outbreak, EMERGENCY has been working to fight the pandemic with projects in Northern Italy and all over the world.
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About the author
Chiara Boscaro & Marco Di Stefano
Chiara Boscaro and Marco Di Stefano are playwrights and founders of the theater company La Confraternita del Chianti. The company’s international project Pentateuco won numerous awards in Italy and beyond. Their play The City Rises won the Mario Fratti award in New York, and was selected by Eurodram in 2018. 07.09.2012 was presented by Barcelona’s Nau Ivanow at the PIIGS festival. In 2019, Chiara and Marco created the show PLAY, under the patronage of the European Commission. They are frequent collaborators of the Ivan de Zajc National Theater of Croatia. In 2019, Pentateuco was published by CUE PRESS, and a collection of their plays will be published by ‘Editoria e Spettacolo.’ Their plays have also been produced all over Europe and in the United States.
Fabler Files: Togetherness